Sunday, October 10, 2004

How about profiles of the Alley dwellers?

I was thinking, for those people who just randomly showed up at the Alley Formal and for those that just randomly stumble upon this site, they have NO idea who we are. I'm thinking we should get a little short profile of each person, kind of like baseball card stats, and we can set a link up to "Who we are" or something underneath the Alley Central heading. Anyone up for it?

Suggested stats:
- length of time living in Alley
- number of Power Hours survived
- number of beer festivals attended
- favorite Alley beverages

I'm sure there's many more ideas... let me know what you think. Idiotic or brilliant??

UPDATE: I hope these work: here are the links I have, I just don't know how to put the on the site:


Blogger dennis said...

I think that's a fine idea. I was just thinking the other day, as I perused the Friday pics, that strangers who happen upon probably think we're a freakish cult of fire-worshipping demi-snobs. Or something. Of couse, my stats wouldn't be very impressive: 0, 0, 2, beers.

9:21 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

So I have some pages made up, I just have NO idea how to get them onto the Alley Central. I have them under my geocities account. I don't know how to change the template to include the profiles... help!

2:32 PM  
Blogger dennis said...

I just was messing around with the blog template and the links to our bios, which are cool as effing ess, by the way, but I'm always scared i'm going to break something. We should let Pat do it. He's always itching at the html.

8:33 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

Nice work Erin. Wait? Where's RI on the list? Is there a southern prejudice? I cry for Rhodey!

Dave's photo kicks ass

10:29 PM  
Blogger Patrick said...

ok, made the change in the template, so the profiles Erin made should be visable now.

I don't really like how they look, and how they're under the Blogger profiles, which is kind of confusing. I'm going away until next Saturday, so I can either fix it when I get back, or maybe Matt will do it.

Maybe time to choose a new template design?

10:54 PM  
Blogger dennis said...

Good job, Pat. And I think you might be right about a new template.

1:11 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Pat and Kate and John and Janelle, I will make profiles for you guys! I just don't have any decent pics of just you guys by yourselves... I'll look again, but the ones I have are mostly group shots. If you have an extra special embarassing pic you'd like up, send it on its way to - and let me know if there's any specific info you want in your profile :)

6:15 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Wed., 10/13, 10:45 p.m.: Still haven't gotten a chance to do Pat and Kate and John and Janelle's profiles. Will work on them as soon as I can...

10:43 PM  

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