Halloween Alley Party, perhaps?

It's going to be a beautiful day on Sunday, which happens to be Halloween, and you know what beautiful days at the end of October mean? Alley Parties! What's everyone doing during the day? Or even in the evening? Let me know if you're going to be around, we'll plan a little get-together.
You know how much we love Halloween! Actually, you don't, since you just met us at the beginning of September and we can't find our Halloween decorations this year. But we really love it--trust me on this one, Derek has an entire Halloween village that he's spent a fortune on and that lights up and makes noises. We even have Halloween kitties! Oh wait, you wouldn't know that, either, since you only ever see the black one, not the orange one because he's a big baby. Although he did get nose to nose with poor friend-deprived Lefty in the hall last night. Of course, Oscar hissed at him and then ran away. Stupid baby cat. What was I talking about again? Oh, right: Halloween and how much we love it. I would love nothing more than an excuse to make a pumpkin cake or some ghost cupcakes and buy Halloween candy and paper cups and plates and napkins with pumpkins on them...
Who's on codeine? I am, I am!!! As if you couldn't tell...
What? Is that pumpkin-headed guy gonna be there again? I don't know what his deal is, but he kept stealing my beers at the alley formal.
So, is this happening? What time?
We'd be down for a Lowell trip.
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