I think this Alley Central blog is really a big hit. I'm just glad the novelty hasn't worn off yet. And I can tell that because that fantastic Alley Formal post had all of
thirteen comments! Thanks,
Matt, for creating this fine forum of alley life.
Now, for some ideas about the
Alley Formal. For those of you who think this is a real "formal" where you go and buy fancy clothes, please don't waste your money at
Filene's. What it really is, is an excuse to get friends together and play faux dress-up. So we're talking the cotton
tuxedo t-shirts, old
prom dresses with some questionable stains on them, things of that nature. Bottom line, it's not REALLY fancy.
So after discussion with some alley-dwellers, we thought it might be nice if everyone who showed up would bring a bottle of wine (
boxes and
jugs will do, as well). One alley visitor even suggested
Boone's or
Two-Buck Chuck. Just as long as everyone realizes that this ain't gonna be very fancy. And we're also thinking around 3 p.m. or so (I think the
Evite says 5; you can show up then, too).
A quick recap: Alley. Faux-fancy attire. Cheap wine. Good times.