Wednesday, September 29, 2004


vote peeps, no kiddin' we should have a dutton street election day breakfast at the diner.
not registered? go here to register

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

A couple questions:

1. Do I need to keep announcing that everyone is invited to play poker on Thursdays or I should it be assumed that poker will happen and I'll just announce it if it isn't happening? Also, I got a couple more chairs so no one will have to share the cow bench or sit with no back support on the drum stool.

2. Does anybody need or want a set of speakers? My brother and his family are moving and he found two Altec Lansing speakers in his basement. They work fine, but the front covers are a little beat up by cats, but the grills come right off and then you'll have a couple cool looking speakers with the cones all showing and shit. He gave them to me because I told him I could probably find someone to take them. I can bring them to The Formal if anybody's interested. Or you can pick 'em up on poker night! FREE!

Monday, September 27, 2004

Countdown to the Alley Formal

Well, folks, it's only six days away. As Jodi stated in the Evite, her and Felix are running the Jack Kerouac 5K Road Race at noon! After the road race, I'm planning on kicking off the Alley Formal with a pitcher at the Worthen. Everyone's more than welcome.

Don't forget to dress up (or down...?), bring a chair if you can, and some sort of wine (doesn't have to be fancy). If you can make it to the Worthen, great; if not, party starts around 4 or 5!

Let's work our hardest to make the alley appear like this:

(Yes, that IS Dave up on the beam behind the lovely young ladies.)

-- Pat hijacking your post. Perhaps we should invite these kids to the formal. They look like they know how to dress up.
Alley Formal Participants

Sunday, September 26, 2004

Pics from Bill's show

click HERE for more pics
Bill's show was great! Lots of fun was had by all, I hope. I'm really sleepy now, so I'm going to bed.

Posting Pressure

So now I feel like I should post something... Pat and I just got back from Jason and Kerri's engagement party and I believe we have convinced them to come to the Alley Formal with us. So the whole Rhode Island coalition will be there. Maybe we will try to coerce some other Rhode Islanders to come with us, just to beef up our RI presence. We could try to get Kerri's sister and her husband, they are alot of fun (Erin and Jay met them after our wedding.) We'll see what we can do!

Inverse Relationship

Has anybody else noticed that the more posters we have here at the fewer posts. I mean, I'm just saying.

Saturday, September 25, 2004

old school alley (2002? or 2003?)

alley hanging back in the day. so the image is a bit "rock star" as i didn't use a flash. -jodi

Friday, September 24, 2004

Results of Poker Night

Who'd a thunk that the best pic of the night came from Erik? I just like to take all the same pics, but Erik actually framed this one. Nice.

Click HERE for lots more pics.

So it was a battle... I'm sure the boys can give a better rendition. The last three men standing (or sitting I should say; they only stand when they go all in) were Jay, Dennis, and Josh. Jay ended up taking it all, I'm not sure how. All are free to hijack this post and write something accurate.

Thursday, September 23, 2004

Poker In The Ham

This is a second reminder for the folks who're still wondering. Yes, poker is on in Framingham tonight. I wanted to make this a big post instead of a shout out muttering curse word pirate talk post so Matt was sure to see it. Jay and Erin are usually the first ones there but are going to be a little later than usual tonight, Erin told me. So I guess like 7 - 7:30 ish the game'll get going, but you can come early. We have darts and foosball. And as far as I know, Mark'll be bringing his fancy chips again, which always makes it seem more real. Any requests for snacks?

Just imagine the Alley with THIS

This, folks, is how it could have been...

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

at long last...the alley fire

it's worth the HUGE picture

(and other alley shots)

Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Just a reminder:

This Thursday, Alley Dwellers, is your chance to win your money back!

Saturday, September 18, 2004

Idea for the Alley Formal

I think this Alley Central blog is really a big hit. I'm just glad the novelty hasn't worn off yet. And I can tell that because that fantastic Alley Formal post had all of thirteen comments! Thanks, Matt, for creating this fine forum of alley life.

Now, for some ideas about the Alley Formal. For those of you who think this is a real "formal" where you go and buy fancy clothes, please don't waste your money at Filene's. What it really is, is an excuse to get friends together and play faux dress-up. So we're talking the cotton tuxedo t-shirts, old prom dresses with some questionable stains on them, things of that nature. Bottom line, it's not REALLY fancy.

So after discussion with some alley-dwellers, we thought it might be nice if everyone who showed up would bring a bottle of wine (boxes and jugs will do, as well). One alley visitor even suggested Boone's or Two-Buck Chuck. Just as long as everyone realizes that this ain't gonna be very fancy. And we're also thinking around 3 p.m. or so (I think the Evite says 5; you can show up then, too).

A quick recap: Alley. Faux-fancy attire. Cheap wine. Good times.

Friday, September 17, 2004

Really bad poker pic

My batteries were almost completely dead, so this is the only shot I got of poker night. Which is good, because I don't think anyone likes when I take pictures.

But thank God someone memorialized the silver table!

Thursday, September 16, 2004

Yes. Poker is on.

Hey all. Poker is on tonight. Same as last week. $5 to play. Bring yr own beer. And I promise this time there will be pretzels, Erin.

Update: For everyone that had to leave before the game ended: Doyle took a bunch of my chips, but then I went all in with a King and something of Diamonds. Doyle landed a pair on the flop or the turn. I don't remember which. I needed a King or diamond to win. And BAM! Nine of effin diamonds on the last card! Doyle actually had some chips left, but he gave me the win because it was late and he and Jason H had to work in the morning. Either way, SILVER TABLE RULEZ!!!!!

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

One more post so Dennis doesn't keep showing up

I'll do one more post to push down the pic of Dennis that he's so self-conscious about. (It's a good pic of you, D!) So expect the Unit B team of Jason, Erin, and Abe to stick around the alley awhile longer. We've bid on two houses, and we've been denied both. Click here for some pics... We'll keep on moving, though! As one of the animals in the animated Charlotte's Web says, "Chin up, chin up, everybody loves a happy face!" That's why it's gonna be two X's all around tonight!

Three Things

One. Somebody had to post something so my goofy mug'd stop popping up. Two. It's time for me tell you all that we'll be pokering this Thursday. The $5 buy in for a big kitty worked well, I think, so we'll probs do that again. Three. Has anybody accidentally typed into their browser?

Monday, September 13, 2004


Sunday, September 12, 2004

Rib'n Brews'n Alley'n

Well, we must've all had a heck of a time since we can't seem to type anything about the festivities and are instead letting our pictures speak for themselves. I didn't use a flash most of the night and so most of my pictures are slurred. Here are a few of the better ones.

Both Rib and Brews

Plumbers Unite!
Photos from last night. It sure was nice to see everyone. Good times as usual.

A follow-up after the Rib'n Brews...

Click here for some pics from last night!
i'll post more later... it's early and we're leaving...

Saturday, September 11, 2004

Grenade-jacket shots

Click here for more pics of last night

Yes, that IS a genuine military-issued grenade jacket, and yes, it IS filled with shot glasses! I'm glad you asked! So our neighbor Dave showed up, shot glasses and salt shaker and limes and tequila in tow, and proceeded to get everyone to do shots. Okay, maybe not everyone, but I did two and felt pretty icky afterwards. Can I just reiterate the fact that he was wearing a genuine military-issues grenade jacket??

^A PSA for not drinking too much^

RIB'N BREWS! I'm sure there'll be plenty of pics and posts from the festival tomorrow, so come on back to Alley Central to see what transpired! I hope everyone can make it. It's great because we have absolutely no food or beer to offer, but I'm still talkin' it up like I'm a great hostess! I'm an ass!

Friday, September 10, 2004

Poker Pics

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

Beer! Food! But first, cards!

I can't wait to be in the alley again! I'm definitely there for the Rib and Brews this weekend. First things first, though. We will be playing more poker Thursday night. It certainly seems to have become pretty regular. Come one. Come all.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

Info on Rib'n Brews Festival

Ah, the first post in many a day... Here's some pics from last night's alley party. We had a great time hangin' in the alley.

As most of you know, the 3rd Annual Rib'n Brews Festival is headed for Lowell this coming weekend. Since the official website is not currently working, I have no idea what the schedule is. But I guess whenever people want to show up to the alley they can. We probably won't be supplying food as the whole event is centered around food and beer. But who knows? I hope many will attend.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

More pics of my birthday poker party!

As promised, I've added more pictures to Erin's Pics from D's party Ofoto action. My camera's batteries died pretty early and I was too lazy/drunk to find my spares, but Erin shot the later part of the party pretty well. Enjoy.

And, oh yeah, I had a great time in Las Vegas, and if anyone wants to play more cards this Thursday, just let me know.

Update: You can now view some photographs from my Vegas trip.